Steps to Safely Rewiring Your House

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Every homeowner knows the comfort and beauty of living in their own home. He is also familiar with many obligations that cannot be avoided. Owning a house and living in it provides more space, comfort, the opportunity to apply a variety of ideas related to interior design, then, a yard where you can enjoy most of the year and take care of flowers. People are often extremely attached to their homes, treating them as family members or old friends. There they find refuge, security, peace, they feel good…

It is a special feeling to build a house for yourself and your family, but it is also wonderful to inherit a house from your ancestors and know that generations of members of your dear family have lived in the same place where you live. They invested work and love in the family home and contributed to its survival for decades, and perhaps longer.

Every house requires maintenance, investment, and renovation and modernization, when the time comes. Designing the aesthetics of the house and decorating, painting and painting, buying furniture… all this falls into the background before what is a vital part of the house. In the first place, there are installations that concern electricity, water and heating. Failures and neglect of these segments can be dangerous for the house itself, but also its inhabitants. That is why it is necessary to check them and replace them when they wear out.

How to approach the rewiring process:

According to the professional electrician in Ontario California, rewiring is a complex, extensive and quite demanding job. This intervention at home requires both money and time, but it is necessary for general safety, good functioning of all devices and due to the general saving of electricity. Rewiring old houses is especially complicated. There, the existing equipment is outdated, damaged, and the house itself has suffered subsidence and various damage that occurs over time. Approach this work in a planned way, without haste and quick solutions.

1. Hire a professional team


This is one of the most important steps. Find out in detail, through advertisements, the Internet, relatives, friends… about the professional, efficient and responsible team you will hire.

Make sure of the recommendations and references, evaluations of their work, because you entrust them with an important job, which does not tolerate mistakes and improvisations. If you get a recommendation for a team that is credible, but a little more expensive, don’t skimp on this, but hire them. You are looking for a certified guarantee that they will give you, after the job is done.

2. Provide working conditions

Replacing all installations, cables, sockets, switches, junction boxes, fuses is a huge and responsible job. Depending on the size of the house and the situation on the site, it can take several days. Give access to craftsmen, move furniture, carpets, everything you can… If necessary, provide yourself with a place to stay until the job is done. It may be possible to work on the floors and partially change the installations, so that not everything will be out of order at the same time. Then you could move from floor to floor and it is not necessary to leave the house.

3. Make a plan


This mostly refers to the plans that the team will make. First, they will get acquainted with the existing situation, then their engineer will design where and how the new electrical installations will go. Lots of cables, sockets, switches … it is necessary to put it all in the best place and connect it. It’s a huge job and leave it to a professional. You can make some wishes about the position of the plugs or switches and their location in the rooms. If feasible, it will meet your needs. Also, they will ask you about the layout in the kitchen (where there is a stove, refrigerator, dishwasher), in the bathroom (washing machine, heater …), then TV, computer and other appliances. The positions of the plugs must be adjusted to this, in the best possible way. If you have an old house, then you know that you always lack a socket. Computers, coffee machines, blenders, a whole bunch of electrical appliances for the house, maybe not even v, did not exist at the time when your house was being built. For this reason, the socket is small and here is an opportunity to upgrade your system.

4. Material

The team will probably provide everything themselves, they will certainly not let you buy what is probably not your profession what you know minimally. Whoever buys, it is important that everything has a certificate, a guarantee, that it is produced in a regular way, according to current standards and that it has a guarantee. Don’t skimp on this item, because it can cost you dearly later. Cheap, low-quality and untested electrical material can cause a short circuit, burnout of the device, and in the worst case, fire. You certainly wouldn’t want to see that scenario in your worst dreams.

5. Work in stages


Make a detailed plan of activities, step by step. Write a list of what you need to do, and a team of craftsmen will know what their job is. He certainly won’t pull all the cables and wires at once. And they will work part by part, and maybe they will leave some preserved cables. Change the fuse boxes, replace the old ones with automatic ones and thus make it easier for you to see them when needed. You may need to separate some new wall or room, where there will be a power line. Experts will instruct you in all this.

6. Budget

In all housekeeping jobs, the budget is usually exceeded. There is always something that still needs to be done, fixed, added to the list… So it is with this extensive work. You must know that the placement of electrical installations includes drilling the walls, making some new holes and various damages, which are inevitable. Prepare for plastering, smoothing and painting some parts, and sometimes whole rooms. That raises the price of the works, but there is no other way. Take comfort in the thought that such radical changes are being made once in 20-30 years, and that, most likely, some of your descendants will do the next job like this.


No one is thrilled when they have to do such big interventions at home. Money, time, cleaning, repairing walls, painting… sounds like a nightmare. However, the time has come for such things to be done, for the sake of security and raising the condition of the house to a higher level. Go for it, not thinking about the limitations and problems, but about the good aspects, which will appear to you very soon. The feeling of satisfaction that will accompany us, the belief that we have done something significant and useful for our home and family, will make us happy and give us the relaxation and peace we deserve.