8 Tips How To Win Any Online Voting Competition – 2024 Guide

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Although they are simple to enter, winning an online contest may not be such a cakewalk as you might think. Many people waste their time putting in a lot of effort to gather contest votes only to lose.

So, what are the steps to winning an online voting competition? No, they are not impossible to win because there is always a winner, and that winner can be you. Consider your competitors only one step behind because they are not reading this article right now.

Someone prominent, such as a celebrity, can gather millions of votes from their supporters. However, as a commoner, you must be thinking about how to get online contest votes? This article will answer everything for you and help you get the votes you deserve.

1. Vote Exchange Forums

Source: unsplash.com

When you help other forum members, many sweepstakes and savings forums allow you to request votes for your contest submissions. It’s worth noting that specific contests expressly prohibit the usage of vote exchange forums.

The give-and-take nature of these vote exchange platforms is essential to consider. It’s bad form to join, request a vote, and then disappear – and you won’t even receive many ballots that way.

To get the most votes, make sure to vote for others, leave a message stating that you did so, and include a link to your contest in the comments section.

2. Buy Votes

Also, there are a lot of adverts on the Internet offering votes for money in online contests. Typically, this entails being able to ask your friends on social media to vote for you. You may buy poll votes on unique sites that offer online votes (they can also be found without difficulty). Those with spare time, access to the Internet, and a desire to make additional cash congregate there, helping individuals win.

They perform a variety of “tasks” for consumers who pay them. They may, for example, click on advertisements on the Internet (naturally, getting their “pretty penny” for each visit). They frequently do tasks that require them to vote for specific contestants. The typical fee per vote is one and a half cents. The payment for the assignment grows as the task becomes more complex (you must also register on the site, go through confirmation by email, and leave a review).

3. Develop a Network on Facebook

Source: unsplash.com

There are a variety of ways to build a network to help you receive votes on Facebook. You can, for example, join a vote exchange group (note that some contests expressly prohibit entrants from doing so), encourage your friends to vote on your wall, or form your own private voting group on Facebook.

4. Print Flyers

Make some eye-catching, witty, and cute flyers to promote yourself for the contest and state why you should win. Make sure the contest’s website has a tear-away space so individuals can enter when they get home. A QR code that users can scan with their smartphones is another possibility.

Post the flyers on free notice boards at your grocery store, your child’s school, public swimming pool, or anywhere else in your neighborhood where putting up fliers is permitted.

5. Use YouTube to Increase Votes

Source: unsplash.com

YouTube is a powerful medium for reaching the masses, and with a bit of skill, you might be able to persuade millions of people to vote for you.

You could, for example, create a video explaining why you deserve those votes and share it on different forums and social media. If you’re feeling very inventive, you could try making a viral video and soliciting votes in the annotations.

Viral videos have the potential to reach tens of thousands, if not millions, of people. If you’re lucky enough to create a viral video, having even a tiny percentage of those people vote for your contest entry could help you win big.

6. Spread The Word Through Social Media

Many people overlook their social media as a valuable asset. Almost everyone in the world who uses social media regularly is aware that they have many connections who can assist them in gathering votes, so why not take advantage of this asset and get as many votes as possible via social media?

You are free to utilize any social media channels you choose. All you have to do is make the post intriguing enough for people to notice it while scrolling and voting for you. It is a simple and successful strategy for obtaining votes from unexpected sources.

7. Ask Your Friends And Family

Source: unsplash.com

Asking your friends and family to vote for you is one of the ways you can acquire votes for your competition. You may do this in various ways: you can contact your friends and family and respectfully beg them to vote for you, or you can utilize technology and SMS them all at once to vote for you. In either case, if you have strong family ties, you will be able to garner a large number of votes with little effort.

Most people would object to the concept of asking their friends or family because they believe their family is too small to matter. But let me assure you that we have seen people lose because they received one fewer vote than the winner, so every vote you receive will matter.

8. Make the Most of Your Email List

Even if they don’t use social media, practically everyone has an e-mail address. So, why not leverage your email list to attempt to elicit some additional votes? All you have to do now is compose an engaging e-mail and hope others will vote for you.

How many people do you email every day? Change your signature to add a link to your contest submission to encourage them to vote for you. As a result, every email you send serves as a mini-advertisement for your application.


Please read the contest regulations before utilizing any of these tactics to increase votes for your contest profile. Some competitions allow you to collect votes in any way you like. Others stipulate that you can only ask your friends and relatives. According to some sources, you can invite people to vote in the contest as a whole, but not for any particular entry.

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