Why Real Estate Postcards are Still Effective in a Digital World (and How to Use Them)

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Today, the digital world has revolutionized how marketers do business. While it’s true that the Internet is the easiest way for businesses to reach wide audiences, there are still some small businesses that hold their cards close to their chest when handing out marketing materials.

One of these old-school tools that have remained popular throughout the decades is real estate postcards. This article will talk about why real estate postcards are an effective marketing tool and how you can take advantage of them.

What Makes Postcards for Real Estate so Effective?

1. They Provide Relevant Information About a Specific Neighborhood

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Let’s face it: there are tons of businesses that use postcards as promotional materials. It’s not easy to make yours stand out from the crowd, but one of the best ways to do this is with real estate postcards that advertise a specific neighborhood and type of home.

This allows for an extremely targeted audience and makes your card that much more attractive since it targets a very specific group of people.

Whenever you’re considering a postcard campaign, whether for real estate or something else entirely, you should always remember that less is more. A longer piece of content doesn’t necessarily make your card more effective; in fact, most people will only spend about 30 seconds reading the entire thing.

It’s best to use real estate postcards with a clear and concise message that grabs their attention and holds it long enough for them to get your contact information and consider calling you later.

2. Showcase Your Expertise in One Mailer

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It’s no secret that the real estate industry is extremely competitive, but it can be difficult to show off your expertise in one mailer. However, when you combine everything into one postcard, potential clients will get an accurate idea of what you have to offer them.

Postcards are concise and easy to digest, so all of your relevant information will immediately stand out to someone who views it. Your portfolio does not have to consist solely of high-end homes — even if your specialty is luxury estates, showing off a unique home for sale in another neighborhood gives you credibility by association.

Also, real estate mailers allow you to show off your knowledge. For instance, if it’s a historic home, explain why and let people know what they’ll be getting by purchasing it (even if there’s no price on the card).

3. Being Different is Good

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Real estate postcards are an extremely easy way to set yourself apart from the competition. While all of your competitors are busy sending out flyers and setting up phone trees, you’ll be using cost-effective materials that work much better than these outdated tools. When used correctly, real estate postcards will help build rapport with potential clients and earn you a few new customers as well!

It is important to remember that not all postcards are created equal. While many companies have the means to produce heavy-duty, full-color cards, your business’s real estate postcard will be most effective when it is simple and clean. If you go overboard with bright colors and multiple fonts, you’ll lose potential clients before they even look at your card.

Tips for a Successful Real Estate Postcard Campaign

1. Use Professional Postcard Templates

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When designing your real estate postcards, don’t just head to Google and start googling phrases like ‘real estate postcard template.’ It’s always best to use professional templates that were specifically designed for marketing purposes. This will ensure that your postcards look as attractive as possible, and it will also help you hit the ground running with minimal hassle.

When you start designing your postcards, keep in mind that the front is a lot more important than the back. This makes using a template even more essential since you’ll want to use something that has been proven to be successful in the past.

2. Mail Them Consistently

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Once you’ve sent out your first batch of real estate postcards, there is one more step that you absolutely must take: sending out the next set. People do not like feeling as if they’re being bombarded with marketing materials, so it’s important to send them consistently and strategically.

Once again, this will be best done by using real estate mailers that work. Also, when sending out your cards, be sure to leave room for a handwritten signature and phone number.

Again, real estate mailers are not the time to be creative. The best method of putting your name on a postcard is by typing it out and then having someone handwrite their name below it. If you’re looking to stand out, consider including an image on the card that reflects some aspect of your company’s services.

3. Use High-Quality Images

Source: unsplash.com

One of the biggest mistakes people make when creating their real estate postcards is using poor-quality images. Don’t let this be you! If your audience cannot see your property clearly, they won’t be as interested as if they could. This doesn’t mean that all of your photos need to be taken by a professional photographer; however, it does mean that you should take them yourself and ensure that they’re high resolution enough for printing purposes. When in doubt, opt for higher resolution images or contact a professional photographer directly.

4. Keep the Messaging Simple, But Catchy

Source: unsplash.com

A lot of information has to be conveyed on your real estate postcards, but there are also tons of ways to ensure that they’re as effective as possible. One of the best strategies is to use action-oriented language that promises results.

For example, an advertisement might say something like: “Sell Your House Fast for Cash” rather than “We Buy Houses.” Besides offering yourself as a solution (rather than simply another business looking for clients), this approach will make it easier for you to stand out from the competition and garner more interest in your services.


In conclusion, real estate postcards are a surefire way to set yourself apart from the competition. They’re perhaps one of the most effective ways to establish your credibility and quickly gain potential clients’ attention in a digital world.

Real estate postcards are easy to design, affordable, and you can mail them out with little effort or expense on your part. When combined with compelling messaging and professional templates, real estate postcards will be a fantastic addition to any marketing campaign.

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