7 Luxury Home Marketing Ideas That Sell

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The real estate business is a lucrative sector. However, it is a different ball game when selling a luxury home. Selling a high-end property requires extensive planning, including marketing, pricing, zeroing in on the right customer base, etc.

When a property is exclusive, the buyer list becomes smaller. Selling a luxury home isn’t that easy. However, with a few good marketing ideas, the road to success becomes easier and faster.

1. Create a Professional Website

Keep it visible—What you see is what you get! It is nearly impossible for agents or agencies to walk around with their presentation clips to show every customer they meet. It is easier to discuss your projects or properties when you have a perfect, professional website.

A brand’s website focused on artistic appeal and functionality that speaks about your brand is one of the biggest sales contributors in the luxury homes segment. Your website must include your print and digital advertising and display your property well.

It is important to ensure your website has the best possible photos of your building/house from all angles. It should also have great content and be easy to navigate. The most important point to consider is “page load’, a measure of how quickly your page gets loaded.

2. Hire an Interior Decorator

Source: opencolleges.edu.au

Taking pictures of the four walls of your property will not help you market your luxury homes if you don’t hire a home stager to create interiors for your property. This way, you can sell your property faster and at a higher rate.

Interior decorators who style and furnish your properties to prompt sales create beautiful designs to attract potential buyers. A stager can also help you find ways to highlight exclusive features. It is an expensive affair, but it is required for luxury home sales.

To get potential buyers to visit your property, you must invest. Apart from decorating the home interiors, these designers can also customize the property to individual tastes, which becomes an added point in favor of your luxury home.

3. To Engage a Photographer Specialized in Real Estate

As we discussed above, What you see is what you get. So, when buyers sift through countless listings, your brand’s listing needs to be appealing and catch the eye of a surfer. That is why you need to make sure the pictures you post on your website are the best.

A professional real estate photographer can help you here. A photographer is somebody who clicks images and narrates stories using images. These professionals give life to images. When a random audience visits your website, your photos should pique their interest.

Keep your brand visible with such amazing photos/images, reflecting the property’s style and class. No audience will express interest in your property if the images on your website are bland.

4. Make Your House Unique and Outstanding

Source: luxury-houses.net

Marketing luxury homes that are large and expensive but look tasteless will ruin the whole exercise.  Make your home unique and outstanding by adding high-value features that act as your USP. The uniqueness comes with adding things such as trending decors, mini monuments placed at the right corners, or high-end kitchen appliances such as washers, double ovens, warming drawers, etc.

That means adding things not seen in a typical kitchen. The features of luxury homes make them distinct. Such features should be captured well in the photographs on your website and must be mentioned as assets in your marketing literature. Provide smart features such as sensor lighting, security systems, curtains that operate on sunlight, etc.

Luxury homes need lavish amenities. You could include a pool, gym, mini theaters, play area for kids, etc. Not just the interiors of the house, the whole property must look surreal. Show potential buyers a peaceful environment through a lawn, seasonal plants, and greenery.

5. Branding Your Home

Branding is a way of distinguishing your business from the crowd. This helps customers see your business as a distinct entity in the industry. A solid brand is more than a fancy slogan or unique logo. A brand echoes the way it is built and is not just a product.

It involves many things like customer service, staff selection and their official attire, product marketing, unique selling points, target audiences, brand ambassador, product advertising, etc. These points describe your company’s personality, which refers to branding.

Unique branding will have a huge impact on your success. Customers come looking for a brand. It is the method of building a specific association.

6. Promotional Exclusive Events

Source: dailyiowan.com

Club Mahindra has a unique promotional method. They host events to attract people and pitch their products at the end of the event. Since you are marketing luxury homes, you need to encourage exclusivity while selling. Make sure to invite the crème de la crème.

You need to publish that your homes are for classes, not the masses. Avoid inviting fillers to events—non-buyers attending your events to see how your property looks should be avoided. Exclusive buyers are not interested in coming to a public open house. So, host an exclusive invite-only event as part of Luxury Real Estate Marketing.

7. Geographic Promotion

If you are looking for an affluent buyer, you need to broaden your horizon. Go global. Luxury home assets can be a pure investment for the ultra-wealthy and the super-rich. For them buying countless luxury homes in different countries is about lifestyle and a symbol of status.

With digital marketing, you can get buyers from anywhere in the world. There is a portion of ultra-high-net-worth individuals willing to invest in luxury homes anywhere in the world. For them, buying luxury homes is equivalent to building an exclusive real estate portfolio—targeting such clients is ideal.

Marketing a luxury property requires a good introductory strategy. Plan it well and follow it to the T. The best ideas you have will never go to waste. We wish you the best for your luxury home real estate business venture.