6 Creative Ways to Make Someone’s Birthday Special

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What are the occasions in life where you feel most loved, appreciated and celebrated? When asked this question, the first thing that comes to people’s minds is – their birthday. This doesn’t come as a surprise, since birthdays usually are fun, exciting and enjoyable. Is it because of the attention, the gifts people get on this day or it’s simply because of the fact that they are celebrating the day they were born, one thing is sure: it’s people’s favorite day of the year!

One thing is undoubtable: our loved ones, our family and our friends are the most responsible for the good time we usually have on this day. From big, expensive gifts to small acts of kindness – knowing that you’re loved is the most beautiful truth you could be aware of.

But if you’re on the giving side, it might be a challenge to prepare a birthday gift that is unique and special.

Buying gifts is a process that oftentimes makes people anxious, due to the expectations and the pressure they feel, whether it’s because of the individual they’re buying gifts for, or it’s – generally speaking, the fear of not picking the right gift for the person in question. Seeing a bday person truly happy and surprised is worth all the time and effort but some people simply don’t know where to start.

Besides knowing the person you’re buying the gifts for, there are some tips and tricks on how to make anyone’s big day special, whether it’s your partner, your child, your parents or a friend. Let’s dive into it.

First of all, you need to make a list of to dos. Why is this? A good plan helps get the job done in no time. As a matter of fact, a good plan makes half of the work.

Before you start purchasing anything you need to sit down and think about the person. What does the person like? What does the person have already? Did he or she mention something in particular that would make them especially happy? If so, can you make it happen, does it fit your budget etc. On top of that, you need to be aware of your budget and the type of gift you feel like giving. Is it a physical thing or an experience? When you put all of this on paper, you will have a clearer understanding of your options, and it will be easier to get the perfect one.

Luckily for you, you don’t have to spend ridiculous amounts of money or make huge birthday parties to make someone feel special.

Here are some great ways to make anyone’s birthday special with a few simple details:

1. It’s never enough of balloons

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No matter the age, people just love balloons because they are a symbol of celebration, happiness and excitement. That being said, fill someone’s room with balloons and you’ll never be wrong. Depending on the person and their preferences, you can make it either colourful (several colors) or focus on their one, favourite colour. Whatever you choose, this is going to be a beautiful memory if you surprise them with balloons everywhere. It doesn’t have to be a birthday celebration, but with balloons, it will feel like it!

2. Who doesn’t want a big box?

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The bigger the box, the happier the person. This non-written rule is something you should have in mind. However, it doesn’t mean you should buy a big box and put small gifts in it so that it is empty. The main goal of this is to fill the box with small acts of kindness, gifts and a main gift of your choice; so that the person actually enjoys the process of unwrapping the gifts and discovering what’s there in the big box. You can start filling the box with their favourite sweets and move on to small pieces of jewellery, polaroids, small cute notes with messages that they will remember and finally: add the main gift to wrap it all up.

3. It doesn’t have to be a physical thing

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Some people want certain things yet they never dare to do them. Their birthday is the perfect occasion for you to help them make their dreams come true. What do we mean by this? Maybe this person always wanted to visit Rome! Why don’t you buy them a one-way ticket? Or maybe they’ve always wanted to learn how to dance salsa, but they never had the courage to do it. This is the perfect opportunity for you to give them just that! Gifting experiences is even more exciting than giving them actual physical gifts. But it doesn’t have to mean that you need to spend a lot of money. It can be a coupon for a special purchase, a spa weekend or a massage.

4. Make a custom gift for them

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With design programs such as Canva, it’s super easy to design anything that comes to your kind. With all the templates and drag and drop options, you can easily create a cartoonish picture, a caricature, design a t-shirt or socks, or a personalized mug. Print it, and your gift is ready! You can be sure that your friends will love it. More importantly, they will appreciate it: the time and the effort you put into creating a gift especially for them.

5. Any cake is a cake

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Cakes are cool. But being creative and turning anything into a cake is even better! If you know the person’s favorite meal, you can simply get some candles and surprise them! It can be a slice of pizza, a cheeseburger, a muffin, ice-cream box – literally anything that comes to your mind! Being spontaneous can make someone’s day even more special. Surprise them when they least expect it: with a weird, unexpected cake! If you are a fan of traditional cakes, that’s also a great way to show someone you find them special. With so many recipes online, you can easily find something simple, yet delicious!

6. A poem is always a good idea

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Write a few lines for your friend or family member and they’ll surely love it! In the digital era, a piece of paper with a few kind words can be very valuable. Let your imagination flow and tell them what you feel deeply in your heart. You’ll make their day super special, guaranteed!

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